Code Listings

Chapter 13: Code Contracts and Diagnostics

Conditional compilation

#define TESTMODE            // #define directives must be at top of file
                            // Symbol names are uppercase by convention.
using System;

class Program
  static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine ("in test mode!");     // OUTPUT: in test mode!

Conditional attribute

[Conditional ("LOGGINGMODE")]
static void LogStatus (string msg)

Alternatives to conditional attribute

using System;
using System.Linq;

class Program
  public static bool EnableLogging;

  static void LogStatus (Func<string> message)
    string logFilePath = ...
    if (EnableLogging)
      System.IO.File.AppendAllText (logFilePath, message() + "\r\n");


// Clear the default listener:

// Add a writer that appends to the trace.txt file:
Trace.Listeners.Add (new TextWriterTraceListener ("trace.txt"));

// Obtain the Console's output stream, then add that as a listener:
System.IO.TextWriter tw = Console.Out;
Trace.Listeners.Add (new TextWriterTraceListener (tw));

// Set up a Windows Event log source and then create/add listener.
// CreateEventSource requires administrative elevation, so this would
// typically be done in application setup.
if (!EventLog.SourceExists ("DemoApp"))
  EventLog.CreateEventSource ("DemoApp", "Application");

Trace.Listeners.Add (new EventLogTraceListener ("DemoApp"));

Code Contracts - why use code contracts?

public static bool AddIfNotPresent<T> (IList<T> list, T item)
  Contract.Requires (list != null);          // Precondition
  Contract.Requires (!list.IsReadOnly);      // Precondition
  Contract.Ensures (list.Contains (item));   // Postcondition
  if (list.Contains(item)) return false;
  list.Add (item);
  return true;


static void SetProgress (string message, int percent)  // Classic approach
  if (message == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException ("message");

  if (percent < 0 || percent > 100)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("percent");
static void SetProgress (string message, int percent)  // Modern approach
  Contract.Requires (message != null);
  Contract.Requires (percent >= 0 && percent <= 100);


static void Foo (string name)
  if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");

Postconditions - Contract.Ensures

static bool AddIfNotPresent<T> (IList<T> list, T item)
  Contract.Requires (list != null);          // Precondition
  Contract.Ensures (list.Contains (item));   // Postcondition
  if (list.Contains(item)) return false;
  list.Add (item);
  return true;

Postconditions and Thread Safety

public class ThreadSafeList<T>
  List<T> _list = new List<T>();
  object _locker = new object();

  public bool AddIfNotPresent (T item)
    Contract.Ensures (_list.Contains (item));
    lock (_locker)
      if (_list.Contains(item)) return false;
      _list.Add (item);
      return true;

  public void Remove (T item)
    lock (_locker)
      _list.Remove (item);

Contract.Result<T> and Contract.ValueAtReturn<T>

Random _random = new Random();
int GetOddRandomNumber()
  Contract.Ensures (Contract.Result<int>() % 2 == 1);
  return _random.Next (100) * 2 + 1;


static string Middle (string s)
  Contract.Requires (s != null && s.Length >= 2);
  Contract.Ensures (Contract.Result<string> ().Length <
                    Contract.OldValue (s).Length);
  s = s.Substring (1, s.Length - 2);
  return s.Trim();

Object Invariants

class Test
  int _x, _y;

  void ObjectInvariant()
    Contract.Invariant (_x >= 0);
    Contract.Invariant (_y >= _x);

  public int X { get { return _x; } set { _x = value; } }
  public void Test1() { _x = -3; }  
  void Test2()        { _x = -3; }  

Contracts on Interfaces and Abstract Methods

[ContractClass (typeof (ContractForITest))]
interface ITest
  int Process (string s);

[ContractClassFor (typeof (ITest))]
sealed class ContractForITest : ITest
  int ITest.Process (string s)     // Must use explicit implementation.
    Contract.Requires (s != null);
    return 0;                      // Dummy value to satisfy compiler.

ContractFailed event

Contract.ContractFailed += (sender, args) =>
  string failureMessage = args.FailureKind + ": " + args.Message;
  // Log failureMessage with unit testing framework:
  // ...

Static contract checking

static void Main()
  string message = null;
  WriteLine (message);     // Static checking tool will generate warning

static void WriteLine (string s)
  Contract.Requires (s != null);
  Console.WriteLine (s);
static void WriteLine (string s, bool b)
  Contract.Requires (s != null);
  if (b)
    WriteLine (s);    // Warning: requires unproven

static void WriteLine (string s)
  Contract.Requires (s != null);
  Console.WriteLine (s);

Enumerating processes:

foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
  Console.WriteLine (p.ProcessName);
  Console.WriteLine ("   PID:      " + p.Id);
  Console.WriteLine ("   Started:  " + p.StartTime);
  Console.WriteLine ("   Memory:   " + p.WorkingSet64);
  Console.WriteLine ("   CPU time: " + p.TotalProcessorTime);
  Console.WriteLine ("   Threads:  " + p.Threads.Count);

Enumerating process threads:

public void EnumerateThreads (Process p)
  foreach (ProcessThread pt in p.Threads)
    Console.WriteLine (pt.Id);
    Console.WriteLine ("   State:    " + pt.ThreadState);
    Console.WriteLine ("   Priority: " + pt.PriorityLevel);
    Console.WriteLine ("   Started:  " + pt.StartTime);
    Console.WriteLine ("   CPU time: " + pt.TotalProcessorTime);

StackTrace and StackFrame:

static void Main() { A (); }
static void A()    { B (); }
static void B()    { C (); }
static void C()
  StackTrace s = new StackTrace (true);

  Console.WriteLine ("Total frames:   " + s.FrameCount);
  Console.WriteLine ("Current method: " + s.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name);
  Console.WriteLine ("Calling method: " + s.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name);
  Console.WriteLine ("Entry method:   " + s.GetFrame
  Console.WriteLine ("Call Stack:");
  foreach (StackFrame f in s.GetFrames())
    Console.WriteLine (
      "  File: "   + f.GetFileName() +
      "  Line: "   + f.GetFileLineNumber() +
      "  Col: "    + f.GetFileColumnNumber() +
      "  Offset: " + f.GetILOffset() +
      "  Method: " + f.GetMethod().Name);

Writing to the Windows Event Log:

const string SourceName = "MyCompany.WidgetServer";

if (!EventLog.SourceExists (SourceName))
  EventLog.CreateEventSource (SourceName, "Application");

EventLog.WriteEntry (SourceName,
  "Service started; using configuration file=...",

Reading from the Windows Event Log:

EventLog log = new EventLog ("Application");

Console.WriteLine ("Total entries: " + log.Entries.Count);

EventLogEntry last = log.Entries [log.Entries.Count - 1];
Console.WriteLine ("Index:   " + last.Index);
Console.WriteLine ("Source:  " + last.Source);
Console.WriteLine ("Type:    " + last.EntryType);
Console.WriteLine ("Time:    " + last.TimeWritten);
Console.WriteLine ("Message: " + last.Message);

Monitoring the Windows Event Log:

static void Main()
  EventLog log = new EventLog ("Application");
  log.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
  log.EntryWritten += DisplayEntry;

static void DisplayEntry (object sender, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
  EventLogEntry entry = e.Entry;
  Console.WriteLine (entry.Message);

Enumerating performance counters:

PerformanceCounterCategory[] cats =

foreach (PerformanceCounterCategory cat in cats)
  Console.WriteLine ("Category: " + cat.CategoryName);

  string[] instances = cat.GetInstanceNames();
  if (instances.Length == 0)
    foreach (PerformanceCounter ctr in cat.GetCounters())
      Console.WriteLine ("  Counter: " + ctr.CounterName);
  else   // Dump counters with instances   
    foreach (string instance in instances)
      Console.WriteLine ("  Instance: " + instance);
      if (cat.InstanceExists (instance))
        foreach (PerformanceCounter ctr in cat.GetCounters (instance))
          Console.WriteLine ("    Counter: " + ctr.CounterName);

Enumerating performance counters with LINQ to XML:

var x =
  new XElement ("counters",
    from PerformanceCounterCategory cat in
    where cat.CategoryName.StartsWith (".NET")
    let instances = cat.GetInstanceNames()
    select new XElement ("category",
      new XAttribute ("name", cat.CategoryName),
      instances.Length == 0
        from c in cat.GetCounters ()
        select new XElement ("counter",
          new XAttribute ("name", c.CounterName))
        from i in instances
        select new XElement ("instance", new XAttribute ("name", i),
          !cat.InstanceExists (i)
            from c in cat.GetCounters (i)
            select new XElement ("counter",
              new XAttribute ("name", c.CounterName))
x.Save ("counters.xml");

Reading performance counter data:

using (PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter ("Processor",
                                                       "% Processor Time",
  Console.WriteLine (pc.NextValue());

string procName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;

using (PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter ("Process",
                                                       "Private Bytes",
  Console.WriteLine (pc.NextValue());

Polling performance counters:

static void Monitor (string category, string counter, string instance,
                     EventWaitHandle stopper)
  if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists (category))
    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Category does not exist");

  if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.CounterExists (counter, category))
    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Counter does not exist");

  if (instance == null) instance = "";   // "" == no instance (not null!)
  if (instance != "" &&
      !PerformanceCounterCategory.InstanceExists (instance, category))
    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Instance does not exist");

  float lastValue = 0f;
  using (PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter (category,
                                                      counter, instance))
    while (!stopper.WaitOne (200, false))
      float value = pc.NextValue();
      if (value != lastValue)         // Only write out the value
      {                               // if it has changed.
        Console.WriteLine (value);
        lastValue = value;
static void Main()
  EventWaitHandle stopper = new ManualResetEvent (false);
  new Thread (delegate()
    { Monitor ("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total", stopper); }
  new Thread (delegate()
    { Monitor ("LogicalDisk", "% Idle Time", "C:", stopper); }
  Console.WriteLine ("Monitoring - press any key to quit");

Creating counters:

string category = "Nutshell Monitoring";

// We'll create two counters in this category:
string eatenPerMin = "Macadamias eaten so far";
string tooHard = "Macadamias deemed too hard";

if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists (category))
  CounterCreationDataCollection cd = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

  cd.Add (new CounterCreationData (eatenPerMin,
          "Number of macadamias consumed, including shelling time",

  cd.Add (new CounterCreationData (tooHard,
          "Number of macadamias that will not crack, despite much effort",

  PerformanceCounterCategory.Create (category, "Test Category",
    PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, cd);

Updating a counter value:

string category = "Nutshell Monitoring";
string eatenPerMin = "Macadamias eaten so far";

using (PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter (category,
                                                       eatenPerMin, ""))
  pc.ReadOnly = false;
  pc.RawValue = 1000;
  pc.IncrementBy (10);
  Console.WriteLine (pc.NextValue());    // 1011
C# 12 in a Nutshell
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