What is LINQKit?
LINQKit is a free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users. It comprises the
With LINQKit, you can:
- Plug expressions into EntitySets and EntityCollections
- Use expression variables in subqueries
- Combine expressions (have one expression call another)
- Dynamically build predicates
- Leverage AsExpandable to add your own extensions.
AsExpandable is based on a
very clever project by Tomas Petricek.
ExpressionVisitor comes from a
sample by Matt Warren.
LINQKit includes full source code, and is released under a permissive free
Plugging Expressions into EntitySets / EntityCollections: The Problem
We'll assume two very simple LINQ to SQL entities: Customer and
Purchase, in a one-to-many relationship. (Entity Framework works in exactly the same way in these examples).
Suppose we wanted to write a method called QueryCustomers that
returned the names of all customers who'd made at least one purchase that
satisfied a particular criteria. So, if we wanted all customers who'd made
a purchase over $1000, we'd call this hypothetical QueryCustomer method
as follows:
string[] bigSpenders = QueryCustomers (p => p.Price > 1000);
Here's what the method's signature might look like:
static string[] QueryCustomers (some-type purchaseCriteria)
Because we're querying a database, some-type must be Expression<Func<>> rather than just Func<>. This ensures our
query will end up as an expression tree that LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework can traverse and
convert to a SQL statement. In other words:
static string[] QueryCustomers (Expression<Func<Purchase,bool>> purchaseCriteria)
We chose Expression<Func<Purchase,bool>> because our pluggable
criteria will accept a Purchase object and return true or false,
depending on whether or not to include that Purchase object. Here's how
we might write the whole method:
static string[] QueryCustomers (Expression<Func<Purchase, bool>> purchaseCriteria)
var data = new MyDataContext(); // or MyObjectContext()
var query =
from c in data.Customers
where c.Purchases.Any (purchaseCriteria) // will not compile
select c.Name;
return query.ToArray();
But there's a problem: Customer.Purchases is of type EntitySet<>
(or EntityCollection<> with EF) neither of which implements IQueryable<>. This means that we
can't call Queryable's Any method (the one that accepts an
Expression<Func<>>) and our query won't compile!
It would be a different story if we were querying the
Purchases table directly (rather the via the Customer.Purchases
association property). The Purchases property is of type
Table<Purchase> which implements IQueryable, allowing us to do the
bool any = data.Purchases.Any (purchaseCriteria);
Of course, we could rewrite QueryCustomers to accept a Func<Purchase,bool>
static string[] QueryCustomers (Func<Purchase,bool> purchaseCriteria)
Everything would then compile, but LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework would throw an exception
because it wouldn't be able to understand what was inside the Func
delegate. And fair enough too: the query pipeline would have to disassemble IL code to
work around that!
Plugging Expressions into EntitySets / EntityCollections: The Solution
Here's how to solve the above problem with LINQKit:
- Call AsExpandable() on the Table<> object
- Call Compile() on the expression variable, when used on an
EntitySet or EntityCollection.
static string[] QueryCustomers (Expression<Func<Purchase, bool>> purchaseCriteria)
var data = new MyDataContext();
var query =
from c in data.Customers.AsExpandable()
where c.Purchases.Any (purchaseCriteria.Compile())
select c.Name;
return query.ToArray();
Compile is an inbuilt method in the Expression class. It
converts the Expression<Func<Purchase,bool> into a plain Func<Purchase,bool>
which satisfies the compiler. Of course, if this method actually ran,
we'd end up with compiled IL code instead of an expression tree, and LINQ
to SQL or Entity Framework would throw an exception. But here's the clever part: Compile
never actually runs; nor does LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework ever get to see it. The call to
Compile gets stripped out entirely by a special wrapper that was created by
calling AsExpandable, and substituted for a correct expression tree.
You can find out more about how AsExpandable works in
Tomas Petricek's blog.
Using Expression Variables in Subqueries
Suppose we want to write our previous example without using the
Customer.Purchases association property. (This might happen in real life if
querying an ad-hoc relationship.) To recap, our query is to retrieve the names
of all customers who have had made at least one purchase satisfying a particular
criteria. Here's how we might proceed:
static string[] QueryCustomers (Expression<Func<Purchase, bool>> purchaseCriteria)
var data = new MyDataContext();
var query =
from c in data.Customers
let custPurchases = data.Purchases.Where (p => p.CustomerID == c.ID)
where custPurchases.Any (purchaseCriteria)
select c.Name;
return query.ToArray();
Seem reasonable enough? Entity Framework handles this query without error but LINQ to SQL throws an
Unsupported overload used for query operator 'Any'.
The problem is that LINQ to SQL cannot handle references to
expressions (such as purchaseCriteria) within subqueries. "But where is
the subquery," you might ask! The answer lies in the compiler: C# generates a
subquery when it translates the let clause into lambda/method syntax.
The solution, with LINQKit, is simply to call AsExpandable() on the
first table in the query:
static string[] QueryCustomers (Expression<Func<Purchase, bool>> purchaseCriteria)
var data = new MyDataContext();
var query =
from c in data.Customers.AsExpandable()
let custPurchases = data.Purchases.Where (p => p.CustomerID == c.ID)
where custPurchases.Any (purchaseCriteria)
select c.Name;
return query.ToArray();
Nothing else needs to be changed. The wrapper that AsExpandable
generates looks specifically for references to expressions, and substitutes the
expression in place of the reference. Voila!
Combining Expressions
The AsExpandable wrapper also lets you write expressions that call
other expressions. All you need to do is:
- Call Invoke to call the inner expression
- Call Expand on the final result.
For example:
Expression<Func<Purchase,bool>> criteria1 = p => p.Price > 1000;
Expression<Func<Purchase,bool>> criteria2 = p => criteria1.Invoke (p)
|| p.Description.Contains ("a");
Console.WriteLine (criteria2.Expand().ToString());
(Invoke and Expand are extension methods in LINQKit.) Here's
the output:
p => ((p.Price > 1000) || p.Description.Contains("a"))
Notice that we have a nice clean expression: the call to Invoke has
been stripped away.
If you're using an Invoked expression within a LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework query, and
have called AsExpandable on the Table, you can optionally skip
step 2. This is because AsExpandable automatically calls Expand on
expressions. This means either of the following is valid:
var query = data.Purchases.AsExpandable().Where (criteria2);
var query = data.Purchases.Where (criteria2.Expand());
AsExpandable() works on IQueryable<T>
Expand() works on Expression<TDelegate>
The one thing to watch is recursive expressions: these cannot be Expanded!
Recursive expressions usually happen by accident when you reuse a variable. It's
an easy mistake to make:
Expression<Func<Purchase,bool>> criteria = p => p.Price > 1000;
criteria = p => criteria.Invoke (p) || p.Description.Contains ("a");
That last line recursively calls itself and the original predicate (p.Price>1000)
is lost!
Click here for information on how to use
When applying expressions built with PredicateBuilder to an Entity Framework query, remember to call
AsExpandable on the first table in the query.
LINQKit is free. The source code is issued under a permissive free license,
which means you can modify it as you please, and incorporate it into your own
commercial or non-commercial software.
As a power user, I appreciate that you'll have your own ideas on how LINQKit should
be changed or extended! For this reason, I've kept the source code simpleāso
it's easy to modify. Enjoy!
Using LINQKit within LINQPad
With LINQPad, you can develop your queries
much faster than with Visual Studio's build/run/debug cycle. To use
LINQKit within LINQPad:
- Press F4 for the Query Properties dialog
- Uncheck 'Include PredicateBuilder' (if checked) and add a reference to the LinqKit.Core NuGet package.
The easiest way to download LINQKit is via the LinqKit.Core NuGet package.
Click here to download the original LinqKit.dll (.NET Framework only)
Click here to download original source code and demo project.